Lost Programmes Search

All broadcasters back in the early years of television wiped many of the videotapes programmes were stored on. But for the Central Television, ITC and ATV archive there seems to have been further damage done to the collection by one or two previous owners.
We must stress that the motion library, in the current hands of ITV Archive, is today cared for with the due respect and care it should have always been bestowed. The damage was done many years ago and we’d like to know more. If you have any details on the archive losses at ATV, ITC or Central material then you can email us.
Current owners ITV Archive have in the past ten years conducted several searches for missing episodes. For the first time in many years, a proactive search has been held for lost material.
Recent Searches
In 2006 we helped Raiders of the Lost Archive television series by providing some details of ATV and ITC export destinations. This search was a universal look for lost material from ITV broadcasters and BBC productions.
In 2008 it was ATV researchers in co-operation with the official Crossroads Fan Club and ITV Archive in Leeds which resulted in six otherwise lost episodes of the daytime serial being rediscovered.
One of our team felt that some of the ‘short clips’ which had previously been thought to be inserts from ATV Today news reports were ‘too long’ to be inserts. It later became clear some Crossroads episodes – lost in the archive for 20 or so years – survived as full episodes. The hunt in the Perivale library also unearthed episode 126, the earliest surviving episode from 1965.
ATV also tracked down some domestic recordings of Crossroads, which were ultimately released by Network DVD.
2010 a search for New Faces proved fruitful with ATV playing a small part in the promotion of the search. Lee Elcocks was on the hunt for an edition of the talent show featuring his father Kenneth from 1975.
A tape of the programme has been located on a Phillips N150 videotape. The edition, along with many other episodes, had been recorded by agent Bernie Lewis.
Lee aims to continue looking for lost episodes, saying: “I had a reply to one of my appeals that went out on ATV Network from a chap who also appeared on New Faces, but had not got a copy.” So the search goes on. More details here.
Lost Shows Search
Since we promoted the New Faces search many other former acts have been in touch, we’ve listed their lost shows below, if you have a copy or can help these former acts with their search you can contact us via the details at the base of the page or direct to the person searching if they have provided such information. You can also email us at the same address if you want to put out a lost episode appeal.
New Faces, band Dry Ice, 1977
“I too was on New Faces with a band called Dry Ice. The date was 3rd December 1977. I, nor any of the band members watched it as we were playing that night. If, like above, anyone has a copy of this show, please contact me. Dale Penney, thanks. Contact Dale direct here.
New Faces Steve Ord Impressionist
“I would like to find clips of the impersonator Steve Ord who was on new faces in the 70’s. Hope you can help. Thanks, Oby”
Neil Clarke on New Faces
“As a schoolboy, I appeared on New Faces. Marti Caine made her first appearance on this show and won. I am trying to locate anyone that recorded the show as VHS recorders were quite new at the time. If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it. Thank you, Neil Clarke.”
New Faces, music act Bokkle Green, 1973
“My musical duo “Bokkle Green” performed on Series 1 of New Faces around November 1973 and I’d love to see this again if anyone has it. Thank you, Kevin Clark”
Windmill Two on New Faces, 1974
“I was part of a duo called Windmill Two who appeared around January 1974. We were beaten by a singer whose backing band had won the previous week. In second place was a terrific magician who worked with birds of prey. If anyone has a copy, please get in touch. Thanks, Allan Masey”
New Faces, Honey
“I’m searching for anything about a singer who appeared in New Faces in the seventies called Honey? I think she appeared in a duo. Can anyone help? Dave Shep.”
Honey Christian Duo, New Faces
My step mum unfortunately died of alzheimers last year and my dad is mortified (still). He is desperately looking for a tape of her – as the Honey Christian Duo – appearing on New Faces circa 1974. If I could find this for him he would be absolutely made up – any suggestions? – Shane O’Byrne
Maxton Comedian, New Faces
I saw an hilarious comedian on this show in the 70’s His name was MAXTON G.BEEZLEY. He wore a red teddy boy suit and came on swinging a bike chain! Never heard of him since. (Father of Max Beezley) – Rosemary Davies
New Faces pop group USA/UK
Hi I’m looking for a episode of new faces the host at the time was Derek Hobson, my late brother entered the show in a singing group called USA/UK with the song titled “illinois” flip side “heads you lose” the group singers were Barry Flavel, Roy Wilkinson,and Peter Friend, from the West Midlands I would be grateful if anyone can help me trace this episode – Elaine Wilkinson
Terry St.Clair on New Faces
I appeared on ATV Newfaces, 22 June 1974. I remember the date as it was my birthday. The judging panel was Tony Hatch, Mickey Most, Arther Askey and someone called clifford Davis. (I never knew who he was). A comedien called Brian Allen won the show, but I was happy with the result and comments that I received.
I believe Victoria Wood won that particular series. I have an audio copy, but sadly no video. I think along with most of the 1970s shows it was destroyed. Unless there’s anybody out there that recorded it. But in those days video recorders were thin on the ground. New Faces didn’t propel me to stardom, but I enjoyed the experience and being backed by the Johnny Patrick orchestra was a thrill. I’m still working as a full time musician and it’s been a great journey. – Terry St.Clair
Hear No Evil on New Faces
Hey i’m currently looking for some footage of hear no evil as this was my grampys band and basically we are trying to dig up old footage as the band is getting together for one gig…..it was the same show as roy chubby brown i have been told…..any ideas/new please let me know =] – Kym
Update: I appeared with Hear No Evil on 10th December 1977, the judges were Mickey Most, Dave Dee and DJ Tony Blackburn – Gerry Nixon
New Faces Fair Cop group
Jo Cole appeared on new faces around 1975-76 with a 4 piece folk group from Peterlee called Fair Cop – lost touch with Neil and John and have been told the tape was wiped. Actually missed seeing it as they changed the time it was broadcast so wuld love to see footage. – Jo Oughton nee Cole
The Cosmopolitan
I appeared on the show New Faces in 1974. My band was called The Cosmoplitan (an Italian trio), winners of one of the shows. We think it was in April in 1974. Is there any way I could get some information of where I could get a copy of the show? Or advise where I could eventually get one. I’d be willing to pay good money for it because it is a dream of mine to have a copy. – Many thanks, Ferro Bresciani
Harry fowler and Alfie bass mimed to the righteous brothers song You’ve Los that loving feeling.
Hi, I’m looking for an episode of a Children’s programme called “The Saturday Show”. It aired on 3rd March 1984, It is season 2 episode 25 I believe.
I featured as a guest and got to meet Bob Carolgees and spit the dog, I would love to watch the episode.
In the early 1970’s you did a fact based programme on current and historical themes. One was on the Prince Imperial son of Napolean lll and Emperess Eugene who was killed in the Zulu War. Can I get access to it still because I am doing an outline for book/film. An officer Jahleel Brenton Carey was court martialed over the incident.
clipsales@itv.com will be able to assist with this.